Florida is the ideal habitat for a nasty and destructive pest: termites.

Termites cause considerable damage to homes by consuming structural timbers, framing, furniture and hardwood flooring. Once a homeowner notices cosmetic damage, bug droppings, mud tubes or discarded wings in their house, there may already be extensive harm to your property.

Almost without exception, if you are obtaining financing from a traditional lender, a termite inspection will be mandatory for any structure other than a condominium.

*Termite (WDO) inspections are not performed by Florida’s Favorite, but can be separately performed by a licensed and insured professional third-party pest control/termite inspection company, which will independently provide a WDO report, at your request. Termite inspections can often be scheduled during the time of the home inspection, to save all parties involved time and frustration with having to coordinate yet another contractor.

Roofs and attics are a popular place for termites and other wood destroying organisms.

Roofs and Attics

Even if the building is CBS construction, subterranean termite intrusion is still possible, and any wood trim, trusses, columns, or beams are always vulnerable. Your termite report will also reveal any other wood destroying organisms that can intrude on your attic and trim.

Outdoor shed or outbuilding as an example of a place termites are frequently found.

Sheds and Outbuildings

Termites can hide anywhere there is wood, such as sheds, and then they can then find their way into your home.

Termite inspection for wood decks, porches, and patios

Decks, Porches, and Patios

Entry points for termites must be inspected, and in the event termites are found, the soil and crawl spaces around those areas may need to be treated.