11-Month Warranty Inspection

New communities are popping up quickly around Palm Beach and St. Lucie counties, especially in areas such as Westlake, Arden, and Port St. Lucie. There’s a good chance, if you’re reading this, that you may have just purchased a new home in one of those communities. Perhaps you were diligent and made sure to get your pre-drywall and final inspection (or blue tape inspection), and now you’re wondering about the quickly approaching 11-month warranty. Read on below to get a better understanding of whether or not this inspection is necessary and what it looks for.

What is the 11-Month Warranty Inspection?

The 11-month warranty inspection is an inspection typically performed in the 11th month of your occupancy of the home, due to most home builders’ warranties typically lasting 1 year (although they can last up to two years). In reality, you can get this inspection at any time before the one-year warranty is up; you just want to be sure to leave yourself enough time to submit your claims. If you’ve already had a full home inspection on your new construction home, it’s still smart to get an 11-month warranty inspection as well. Even if you had the most thorough and meticulous final blue tape inspection:

  • some defects that weren’t apparent at the first inspection can begin to show by the 11th month.

  • there may be elements that are deteriorating at a faster rate than expected, either by wear and tear or by seasonal changes.

  • oftentimes at a full inspection for new construction the inspector is not allowed on the roof or in the attic per the builder.

Additionally, while technically speaking, the 11-month warranty inspection is going to look at the same items the final home inspection covered, oftentimes home inspectors will look more closely at items typically regarded as cosmetic items. Small cosmetic items may not add up when trying to negotiate buying a home, but when your home is under warranty, you want to be sure you’re getting everything possible fixed while it’s financially covered. An example of the type of defects found during an 11-month inspection include:

  • Appliance damage

  • Cabinet damage

  • Cracked/damaged shingles

  • Waterproofing problems

  • Improper roof vent installation

  • Leaking plumbing

  • Loose toilets

  • Cracks in stucco

  • Missing grout

    A thorough home inspector will carefully document all problems found and provide clear photos with labels. Having the 11-month warranty inspection report done by a professional home inspector will make it more likely that your claim will be paid.

What does the home builder’s warranty cover?

Every home builder’s warranty will be different, so be sure to read the fine print so that you know what is not included. Some warranties may extend to two years for the larger systems of the home, such as the HVAC (which may also have its own warranty), electrical, or plumbing; while the fine print of other warranties may not cover certain items at all if they fall under basic maintenance such as cleaning vents or clearing shrubs away from the foundation of the home.

11-Month Warranty Summary

In summary, the 11-month warranty may give you an opportunity to have the attic and roof inspected for the first time, it will get the cosmetic items a closer look, and it’ll pick up issues that shouldn’t be occurring so early on. Small defects may go undetected to the untrained eye, such as a small amount of moisture accumulating, but if found early on, can prevent a larger mold problem later, after your warranty has expired. Uncovering defects with your new home during the first year can save you from a financial burden later — not to mention save you from stress and wasted time later.

The cost of an inspection is always less than the cost of not having an inspection. Find out first, with Florida’s Favorite Home Inspections, and call or message for a free quote!  561-985-5919


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